Based upon the popular fairy tale by P.P. Yershov, the full length ballet of the Humpback Horse tells of the spectacular deeds of Ivanushka with the help of the Humpback Horse, through which he finally wins the Tsar Maiden, after which a “grand divertissement” of all the different nations living together in Russia, crowns the marriage celebrations.
In spite of its absurd plot and confused folklore, the ballet proved an instant and enduring hit with audiences. This excerpt, staged for the Trockadero by Elena Kunikova, depicts the now lost underwater scene of the ballet.
- Music by:
Cesare Pugni - Choreography by:
Alexander Gorsky and Marius Petipa - Costumes by:
Kenneth Busbin - Lighting by:
Bob Bursey - Decor by:
John Claassen after Konstantin Korovin - Staged by:
Elena Kunikova