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Raydel Caceres

Birthplace: Pinar del Río, Cuba
Training: Centro Pro Danza - Laura Alonso
Joined Trockadero:
August 2023
Other Companies: California Ballet, Twin Cities Ballet of MN, Ballet Theatre of Maryland, Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami. Silver medal at Festival de Dança, Joinville, Brazil.

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Blagovesta Zlotmachinskaya

Ever since her auspicious debut as Left Nostril in the ballet extracted from The Nose by Gogol, Blagovesta has shown a unique appreciation of her homeland’s literary heritage. Back home, she is best known as the star of the hit TV show Challenge Anna Karenina, in which the eponymous heroine of Tolstoy’s classic novel seeks to expose the fin-de-siècle malaise at the heart of pre-Revolutionary Russia with the aid of a helicopter and walkie-talkie.

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Mikhail Mudkin

Known as the famed Russian danseur for whom the word “Bolshoi” was coined, Mikhail comes to America from his triumphs as the understudy to a famous impresario in the role of The Bear in Petrushka.